Discefa earns IFS certification with a Superior Level Qualification

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Meeting the standards of the most demanding quality guarantees is one of the major challenges we take on as a company. For this reason, Discefa has just been certified by IFS Food and went further by achieving Superior Level among all possible options.

This standard, recognised by the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI), applies to all food manufacturers and packagers of bulk food products. Specifically, it applies to the food safety and quality of processed products or those that are exposed to contamination risks during their primary packaging stage.

IFS Food is particularly important for private label manufacturers, such as Discefa, because of the many requirements it places with regard to compliance with specifications. It covers aspects related to management responsibility, food quality and safety, resource management and production process planning. Certification bodies, retailers, members of the food industry and service sector companies have all been involved in the development of this standard. This means that it is an extremely exhaustive audit, which takes into account the requirements of all the agents involved when it comes to ensuring superior quality in the product that reaches the final consumer.

As a company, achieving Superior Level at IFS Food is great motivation towards our objective to achieving excellence. This type of testing provides us with a neutral perspective on our activity, allowing us to detect competitive advantages and guiding us when introducing improvements to our processes.

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